About Domohorn Wrinkle

Here comes the season that’s toughest on your skin.

For your skin, winter is the harshest season of all.

In winter, the air is dry, so it robs your skin of moisture. The amount of oil in your skin can also plunge to half its summertime level. What’s more, the cold makes your body’s internal processes more sluggish, so your skin is not nourished as thoroughly as usual. That’s not all although the hours of daylight decrease in winter, UV rays on fine winter days are stronger than on overcast days in summer. And then there’s the drying effect of indoor heating, and so on. While you’re enduring the punishing conditions of winter, your skin is suffering damage that penetrates as far as the dermis – the layer of skin below the surface.

As you get older, there’s a decline in your skin’s ability to generate collagen. Meanwhile, the quality of the collagen that it does generate declines too. If you don’t do something to counteract this decline over the winter, the damage suffered by your skin will only accumulate. There’s a danger that dryness can cause fine wrinkles to appear in the areas around your eyes and mouth, where the skin is particularly delicate. Even if this doesn’t happen, it’s still important to minimize the ravages of winter through regular skincare.

With Domohorn Wrinkle, even a basic skincare routine will keep your skin strongly defended against winter dryness.


Domohorn Wrinkle counteracts age-related dryness and boosts your skin’s natural self-regenerating ability – what we call the “fundamental power of skin”. That’s what makes these products highly effective as winter skincare. To be specific, the “Essential 4” Domohorn Wrinkle products have the power to moisturize your skin and help keep it in good condition. They reverse the damage done by winter weather, and firmly boost your skin’s own “fundamental power”.

First, Intense Hydrator replenishes moisture throughout your skin, restoring its elasticity and leaving it plump and healthy-looking. Next, Vital White Essence boosts your skin’s metabolism, putting back the vitality that dryness takes away. Cream20 lifts your skin from the inside, combating the fine lines caused by dryness. Finally, our Milky Veil Lotion provides a barrier protecting your skin against the damage caused by dryness. This means that your regular skincare routine is all you need to keep your skin looking great throughout the winter.


And, as mentioned on our blog, all eight Domohorn Wrinkle products, including the Essential 4, have been proven by dermatologists and researchers in Japan to be “effective against fine lines caused by dryness”. If your skin is affected by dryness and cold every winter, be sure to try using Domohorn Wrinkle products in your skincare routine. Begin now, and keep your skin looking youthful all winter long.